This information should be read in conjunction with my Terms and Conditions
I charge a minimum fee of £90 and my hourly rate is £230.
In most cases I am happy to agree a fee in advance or at the very least provide a very good indication of the likely cost.
Every transaction is different and the fee will depend on the time spent on your transaction. During the initial conversation I will discuss what is involved and give you an estimate of cost. VAT is payable as an addition on my fee.
If you need a home or office visit or if services are being provided out of hours or on an urgent basis, then the fee will need to reflect this plus additional time spent travelling and waiting.
Sometimes a charge is made for any unusual expenses incurred including printing, exceptional photocopying, overseas postage, overseas telephone and fax costs, and fees may be increased to reflect particular complexity, speed and special skills.
Charges may also be payable to third parties, for example fees payable to the Foreign Commonwealth & Development Office, Foreign Embassies or agents dealing with legalisation of documents, Companies House search fees, translation fees, courier charges and other third-party costs which may be payable to check and authenticate information.
If you instruct me to deal with legalisation or translation on your behalf, then an additional fee based on time spent will be chargeable as well as the fees of the agents or translators appointed.
Normally, fees are payable by Debit card or in cash or by cheque at the end of the appointment. Alternatively, for business clients arrangements can be made for you to pay my invoice by BACS.
Sometimes I will need to request money to be paid to me in advance in relation to work where expenses charged by third parties are to be incurred on your behalf.